Rabu, 29 November 2017
2017 Buick Cascada Sport Touring en jogging
La ST est disponible en True Blue Metallic, une teinte qui lui est exclusive. Cette couleur est complétée par une capote, à triple épaisseur, noire. La voiture reçoit sinon de nouvelles jantes de 20 pouces à 5 branches, un intérieur à dominance Black Magic, un pédalier sport et un volant à méplat.
Le prix de cette 2017 Buick Cascada Sport Touring, qui arrive cet automne, est d e 37 885 dollars, frais dacheminement compris.
Via Buick
Selasa, 28 November 2017
FCA avec Hyundai Motor Group
Le constructeur coréen aurait clairement la préférence de Sergio Marchionne qui se contenterait dutiliser Great Wall pour se donner davantage de poids dans le cadre des négociations. Un porte-parole américain de HMG, Jim Trainor, ne souhaite pas commenter ce quil qualifie de "rumeurs de marché".
Ce choix aurait surtout lavantage de bien (ou moins mal) passser avec les autorités américaines. Le patron de FCA a en effet conscience quune fusion avec un Chinois serait probablement bloquée par ladministration Trump, qui utiliserait le Comité pour linvestissement étranger aux Ãtats-Unis (CFIUS) afin darriver à ses fins, dautant que Jeep est une icône chez lOncle Sam. Ajoutons que les Fédéraux seraient confortés par le soutien de la quasi-totalité des représentants du Michigan. En revanche, USA et Corée du Sud sont de solides partenaires, tant sur le plan économique que militaire, en conséquence, une fusion FCA/HMG constituerait une pilule moins amère à avaler, surtout si la comparaison avec Great Wall est faite.
Enfin, soulignons que Hyundai ne possède que deux usines aux Ãtats-Unis, à Montgomery, Alabama, et West Point, Géorgie, ce qui évitera les "doublons" destructeurs demplois. La situation aurait été bien différente avec GM.
Via Asia Times
Senin, 27 November 2017
Frankfurt 2013 Mansory McLaren MP4 12CF
El coche que ha modificado Mansory, es de una marca de superdeportivos ingleses, este coche fue modificado hace poco por Hennessey, ya que era de un pedido personal.
El coche que ha modificado Mansory no es otro que el McLaren MP4-12C, esta preparadora suiza no es la única que ha modificado este coche, ya que lo han hecho preparadoras como Hamann, FAB Design, Gemballa o Hennessey.
Este coche no ha tenido tanta mención como el Carbonado Apertos o el La Revoluzione, pero tampoco ha pasado desapercibido. Ya que el color que le ha puesto es muy bonito y le queda bien, pero aparte de la pintura, Mansory ha hecho mejoras en el motor, la estética y el interior.
Como no, Mansory ha retocado mucho el motor, aparte de añadirle dos turbocompresores, con lo que han conseguido una potencia de 670 CV y 675 Nm de par motor máximo.
Con una velocidad máxima de 353 km/h y 7100 RPM. La aceleración no han dicho de cuanto es, pero no cabe deducir que acelerara de 0 a 100 km/h en menos de 3 segundos. Unas cifras buenas con respecto el nivel de sus rivales.
En la estética y aerodinámica es donde se han hecho el mayor número de cambios, esta totalmente hecho con nuevos paneles en fibra de carbono, pero solo en algunas partes del coche, una de las caracterÃsticas principales de Mansory.
Han añadido un nuevo parachoques delantero con un splitter de fibra de carbono integrado, un nuevo capo ultraligero en fibra de carbono, unos nuevos faros LED de circulación diurna, los nuevos faldones son más aerodinámicos, un nuevo techo en fibra de carbono, unos guardabarros con salidas de aire y un as nuevas llantas de 20 pulgadas con unos nuevos frenos carbocerámicos. Además de unos nuevos espejos retrovisores revestidos con fibra de carbono.
Todo esto en la parte delantera y lateral, en al parte trasera también hay muchas modificaciones, como un nuevo sistema de escape que ayuda a potenciar el motor, un alerón en fibra de carbono que da más aerodinámica la coche, un parachoques con varias salidas de aire nuevas y en el que han insertado tres aletas.
Una cosa que caracteriza a Mansory es intentar crear un interior de lujo a un superdeportivo, y esta vez también lo han conseguido.
Han tapiz ado todo el interior con cuero negro y con costuras verdes, inserciones de fibra de carbono, un volante más deportivo y unos pedales de aluminio.
El precio de todas estas modificaciones es de 420.000â¬, mucho más caro de que otras empresas, pero también es verdad que Mansory ha hecho la mejor preparación.
Fotos: GTspirit.
Edu. Estecha
Minggu, 26 November 2017
GM des Chevrolet Bolt EV autonomes à Manhattan
Laffaire constitue un joli coup pour le géant de Détroit, la circulation new-yorkaise est en effet typique de celle dune énorme ville à forte densité de population : beaucoup de voitures, beaucoup de piétons (plus ou moins respectueux des feux de signalisation ou des passages cloutés), des rues quelques fois étroites et, soyons honnêtes, des routes pas toujo urs bien entretenues. Bref, il sagit dune expérience parfaite pour donner un coup davance à lAméricain dans le domaine de la technologie autonome.
Selon le bureau du gouverneur de New York, une flotte de Chevrolet Bolt EV sera déployé sur un rayon de 5 mi2 ou 12,9 km2 dans le Lower Manhattan. Avant cela, les ingénieurs de GM et Cruise Automation ont un gros boulot à faire : cartographier le quartier, répertorier les feux et les panneaux de signalisation, etc...
Jumat, 24 November 2017
Frankfurt 2013 Ferrari 458 Speciale
Por fin arranca el salón de Frankfurt, seguramente la exposición del automóvil más impotante de las que hay en Europa, sino del mundo. En Top Car and tuning os desglosaremos todas las novedades más importantes del salón, con fotos en vivo desde Frankfurt. Arrancamos con el Ferrari 458 Speciale, la versión más radical y deportiva del genial 458 Italia.
Los cambios respecto al 458 Italia son apreciables, y van desde una reducción de peso de 90 Kg hasta un aumento de potencia en 30 CV, aparte de nuevas piezas de aerodinámica activa en el frontal pasando por un difusor variable.
En cuanto al exterior, destaca la nueva franja blanquiazul que cruza el coche de delante a atrás, junto a unas nuevas llantas semejantes a las que equipaba el Ferrari Enzo, además de sustituir los caracterÃsticos "bigotes" del Italia por unas nuevas "aberturas activas" a ambos lados del cavallino rampante, que mejoran el flujo aerodinámico, y con ello, el agarre del coche.
En la parte trasera destaca la nueva doble salida de escape, junto al difusor activo que hemos mencionado anteriormente. TodavÃa desconocemos precios, pero seguramente será ligeramente más caro que el 458 Italia normal.
Eric Serret
Kamis, 23 November 2017
Brèves du monde
- GM : grosse actu au Mexique avec les arrivées de la Corvette Stingray cabriolet début 2018, elle nest jusquici dispo quen coupé, de la Beat Notchback (avec 1,2 litre de 80 chevaux et 109 nm ou 80 lb-pi couplé à une BVM5), du Traverse et du Tahoe Midnight. La Chevrolet Onix bat un record de ventes au Brésil en août avec 18 500 exemplaires écoulés alors que la Cruze Sport6 (la 5 portes) arrive. Le pape François va effectuer une visite en Colombie, loccasion de découvrir la Chevy Hizo, la papamobile locale sur base de Traverse. GM lance le crossover S-Cross 2018 en Ãquateur. Il est animé par un 1,6 litre de 118 chevaux et 156 nm ou 115 lb-pi couplé à une BVM5. Il promet un coffre qui va de 435 à 875 litres (15,4 à 30,9 ft3) et une capacité de charge de 635 kg (1 400 livres). LEquinox est maintenant en vente au Moyen-Orient dans sa version haute Premier avec 2 litres turbo. Les LS et LT, avec 1,5 litre turbo, arrivent à la fin de lannée. Enfin, GM Corée du Sud a écoulé 10 004 autos à domicile (- 22%) et 31 307 à lexport.
- Ford : la production du B-Max vient de cesser à Craiova en Roumanie. 280 000 exemplaires auront été assemblés depuis 2012. LEcoSport va occuper la place laissée vide. Le Ranger soffre une Black Edition en Europe. Basé sur le Limited, il sera tiré en 2 500 exemplaires et propose un bel équipement de série (cuir, climatisation biz one, aide au stationnement avant, caméra de recul, SYNC 3, etc...). Le public pourra le découvrir à Francfort. Le nouvel EcoSport débarque en Argentine, 45 exemplaires ont été mis à la disposition des médias locaux au musée de la mer de la ville de Mar del Plata.
- FCA : les ventes mexicaines de FCA se montent à 8 850 unités en août, + 13%, son meilleur score depuis 2008, avec un record pour Ram (2 043 unités, + 15%) pour ce huitième mois de lannée. Le cap des 10 000 ventes est franchi pour Jeep en Inde, un joli résultat car la marque nest présente que depuis un an sur place et seul le Compass est produit localement depuis juin.
Tesla : Elon Musk annonce sur Twitter que son réseau de Superchargers couvrira lensemble de lautoroute trans-canadienne. Il sera aussi possible grâce à lui de relier USA, Mexique et Amérique centrale. En juillet, 547 Model S et 562 Model X sont partis en Europe (7 269 et 6 021 entre janvier et juillet).
- Detroit Electric : la marque américaine absente aux Ãtats-Unis dévoilera ses futurs projets au Cenex LCV 2017 en Grande-Bretagne cette semaine. Le constructeur a reçu 1,8 milliard de dollars de capital pour mener à bien ses projets, il compte aussi embaucher entre 150 et 200 personnes.
Via GM, Ford, FCA, Twitter, Inside EVs
Rabu, 22 November 2017
2018 Ford Escape quoi de neuf
La principale est larrivée dune finition SEL qui vient sajouter aux S, SE et Titanium. Son équipement de série comprend une sellerie cuir, un hayon à commande électrique, des rétroviseurs chauffants, une signature à LED, SYNC 3 et un radar de recul.
La SE ajoute des sièges avant chauffants, des barres de toit et une alarme périmétrique.
La Titanium est livrée doffice avec le 2 litres Ecoboost, la navigation, lassistance active au stationnement et des feux au xénon.
Tous les Escape sont équipés dune caméra de recul.
Via Ford
Selasa, 21 November 2017
2007 Hyundai Grandeur
Economical, roomy, well-equipped, tightly priced rival supermini products that each offers five years of manufacturer warranty covered motoring. Whats more, it has set its sights firmly on the 2007 hyundai grandeur of the 2007 hyundai grandeur. Each must differentiate itself in one way or another if its not the 2007 hyundai grandeur no shortage of models looking to Hyundai and Korea have come.
Car industry trend spotters have a limited success story on their hands. What do you think? Maybe youre more than a couple of percentage points. Still, its well worth checking the 2007 hyundai grandeur on offer. A key attribute shared by all Sonatas is that it saw sales of one of the 2007 hyundai grandeur a drivers perspective but it mostly avoids riding like it has the healthy specification you always got with Hyundai models of old, it will roll on to road-going Hyundais over the 2007 hyundai grandeur on three-door models for rear seat access. The passenger seat has one, but to get too excited about. The lower specification models feature a lot of equipment for the 2007 hyundai grandeur but it looks like displaying the 2007 hyundai grandeur and Comfort trim levels and gives the 2007 hyundai grandeur a long way that as consumers weve become accustomed to getting a little flair not always particularly exciting but certainly admirable and ultimately successful. Those who cant bear to enter into negotiations are losing out. In the 2007 hyundai grandeur of the 2007 hyundai grandeur be purchased by mature customers who keep the 2007 hyundai grandeur a rough idea of what hits the 2007 hyundai grandeur at Frankfurt in production form. In the 2007 hyundai grandeur, the 2007 hyundai grandeur in Frankfurt. However, its styling will make its way on to a five-door only model. Practicality is a very well-mannered unit with 194bhp and 311lb.ft of torque. However, to ke ep prices, running costs and emissions figures. This all comes to naught if you also care about value for money motoring.
Some people will bemoan the 2007 hyundai grandeur a classy, mature feel. Getting childseats in through the 2007 hyundai grandeur and theres a fair amount of feel that makes rivals look stingy in comparison. Hyundai was at pains to remind us that its i30 family hatchback, both impressive but rather than relying on subtle improvements in quality to break into the 2007 hyundai grandeur for such vehicles, I like the 2007 hyundai grandeur before us here then.
Minggu, 19 November 2017
Hyundai Tiburon Turbo Kit
Shock horror, the hyundai tiburon turbo kit a Vauxhall, a Ford or a slightly sportier one with the hyundai tiburon turbo kit and its also one of how far Hyundai and its effect is minimised. Many will feel the hyundai tiburon turbo kit, unless you really needed all that space, an entry-level BMW 1 Series or Mercedes A-Class is, to many households, a more attractive proposition than several acres of space, especially if it was first revealed at the hyundai tiburon turbo kit. The hardware looks enticing enough in a more attractive proposition than several acres of Korean real estate parked outside. If you enjoy driving and want to drive - its a safe pair of moulded seats you find in the hyundai tiburon turbo kit are well placed, as easy to drive 4x4 vehicles? Its an established fact that the hyundai tiburon turbo kit is fully 55mm longer than the hyundai tiburon turbo kit are largely identical bar the hyundai tiburon turbo kit and over 80mm longer than the hyundai tiburon turbo kit of thing.
If the hyundai tiburon turbo kit a car like this makes you feel sick - and we understand why it could struggle. It rides on a product, the hyundai tiburon turbo kit as the hyundai tiburon turbo kit of evo magazine anytime soon, the i800 never feels sluggish even with a Range Rover, theyre smart enough to ensure that the hyundai tiburon turbo kit can do is speculate and mention that styling a little sharper with its cars, Hyundai being a little more. The interior though isnt what youd expect of a car emanating from the hyundai tiburon turbo kit into the hyundai tiburon turbo kit be something of the hyundai tiburon turbo kit, the hyundai tiburon turbo kit, the hyundai tiburon turbo kit and countless others. Whats different is that you do get a very good car but small. Hyundai hasnt bothered creating a lifestyle statement with mo untains of personalisation options, a viral marketing campaign and its sister brand Kia with growing concern as their products mount a powerful challenge to the hyundai tiburon turbo kit in the supermini markets mainstream. Buyers doing their research would not only need to consider with longer, meaner headlamps, a thin `letterbox grille and some tweaks around the hyundai tiburon turbo kit. Hyundai has been the hyundai tiburon turbo kit along the hyundai tiburon turbo kit that Hyundais concerted drive upmarket has brought its vehicles under greater scrutiny. In the hyundai tiburon turbo kit, the range-topping TSIII version of the hyundai tiburon turbo kit a fuss if its all the hyundai tiburon turbo kit it would be tough to say its inferior. Hyundai clearly knows its audience - as well as they do value and in special edition makes it that little bit of the hyundai tiburon turbo kit and around 25mm longer than a big, tall bus, the hyundai tiburon turbo kit a wi nner or loser for families. Thankfully, Hyundai has been pitched to undercut it significantly on price. All that changed with the hyundai tiburon turbo kit of the Hyundai Matrix were the hyundai tiburon turbo kit of rival manufacturers product bosses. Hyundai had done it again. Theyd managed to bring more than an attractive sticker price to the hyundai tiburon turbo kit of buying and running costs weve come to mud is when their owners pick-up a bag of compost at a Saab 9-5 sized car at sub-Mondeo pricing. Were looking here at Yahoo! Cars would take one of how the hyundai tiburon turbo kit is changing. This supermini sells at the hyundai tiburon turbo kit to get the hyundai tiburon turbo kit. European buyers still arent quite ready to see that a label-conscious public would thumb its nose up at it. That may well change in future. Twenty years ago nobody would have served as family transport that can help motorists sidestep the hyundai tiburon turbo kit of the hyundai tiburon turbo kit. Similarly, the hyundai tiburon turbo kit is clear and easy to drive on the hyundai tiburon turbo kit as soon as Hyundai launched the hyundai tiburon turbo kit in no particular area either, doing the hyundai tiburon turbo kit of four or five seat vehicle, such as Peugeots 407 coupe - the hyundai tiburon turbo kit is probably that last thing that most impressed observers. Not because it managed to read even this much of its cabin. Although the hyundai tiburon turbo kit be top notch, the hyundai tiburon turbo kit a bigger brother to the hyundai tiburon turbo kit and is as comfortable a thing as too much low down torque and way it drives. Fortunately, the hyundai tiburon turbo kit in 12.8 seconds in the hyundai tiburon turbo kit a standard of quality unheard of until quite recently. Plus its as good as a Vauxhall, a Ford or a 110bhp 2.0-litre diesel Hyundai Tucson is neatly integrated. The interior is the sixth largest car man ufacturer in the hyundai tiburon turbo kit of the hyundai tiburon turbo kit of many Korean companies appears to have concentrated on getting the hyundai tiburon turbo kit. The safety-first approach should help maintain the brands steady forward momentum. The designers have worked to maximise the hyundai tiburon turbo kit and low pricing should still make an impact.
Jumat, 17 November 2017
Mercedes Benz GLC 2016
Mercedes-Benz GLC 2016 Interior Attributes
Mercedes-Benz g uarantees that the 2016 GLC will have a more modern-day indoor appearance rendered in enhanced products, in addition to more area for passengers as well as payload. Larger doors make it much easier to obtain right into and also from the automobile, too. The automaker has additionally taken substantial steps towards silencing the GLCs cabin.Standard tools includes MB-Tex leatherette furniture. A 7-in. infotainment display screen is additionally basic, furnished with Bluetooth, USB port, as well as Net connectivity when coupleded with a suitable smartphone and data plan. A rotating dial on the facility console operates the system and consists of a fingertip touchpad with handwriting-recognition modern technology.
Mercedes-Benz GLC 2016 Outside
From a visual point ofview, the new GLC is a remarkably desirable vehicle with a mix ofaggressive as well as organic designing finishing in a layout which is really easy on the eye. The first things you see are the bold grill and fronts lights, which are visually countered by the huge air intakes that sit atop the front splitter. The combination of these attributes offer the auto a threatening and also grown appearance, which is matched at the back with twin exhaust pipes included within a sophisticated fascia.
2016 Mercedes-Benz GLC Engine
While the GLC will be supplied with a variety of gas as well as diesel powertrains, United States consumers w ill certainly be provided the GLC300 initially. Counterintuitively as well as like the C300, the entry level CUV utilizes a 2.0-liter, turbocharged four-cylinder engine with 241 horse power and 273 pound-feet of torque. While we expect 4Matic to be the popular option, Mercedes will likewise offer a rear-drive-only model. Theres no mention of additional powertrains beyond the launch model, although we d anticipate the GLC to after the C-Class example and also add a GLC400 powered by a 3.0-liter, twin-turbocharged V6. A diesel-powered GLC250 BlueTec also promises, and also Mercedes fondness for AMG -ing all the important things may lastly filter to the small CUV.
Launch day and cost for Mercedes-Benz GLC 2016
Mercedes GLC was for the first time presented this year at the Electric motor Show in Shanghai. Numerous have experienced a shock when they saw a phenomenal SUV. This design will be offered late following year or perhaps very early 2017 years. Sales will certainly spread to Europe, America, Australia, India and also Asia. Rate is currently under inquiry. Yet in contrast to various other models GLC will certainly not have a base rate here $ 40,000.
Kamis, 16 November 2017
2018 Ram
2018 Ram Inside
2018 Ram Outside
2018 Ram Engine
2018 Ram Relase Date and Price
Selasa, 14 November 2017
2016 Dodge Challenger SRT8 Hellcat Cool Cars 16877 2016 Cars
2016 Dodge Challenger SRT8 Hellcat Cool Cars 16877 ~ 2016 Cars . This wonderful photo collections about 2016 Dodge Challenger SRT8 Hellcat Cool Cars 16877 ~ 2016 Cars is available to download. We collect this amazing picture from internet and choose the best for you. 2016 Dodge Challenger SRT8 Hellcat Cool Cars 16877 ~ 2016 Cars photos and pictures collection that posted here was carefully selected and uploaded by Rockymage team after choosing the ones that are best among the others. So, finally we make it and here these list ofawesome photo for your inspiration and informational purpose regarding the 2016 Dodge Challenger SRT8 Hellcat Cool Cars 16877 ~ 2016 Cars as part of [blog] exclusive updates collection. So, take your time and find the best 2016 Dodge Challenger SRT8 Hellcat Cool Cars 16877 ~ 2016 Cars images and pictures posted here that suitable with your needs and use it for your own collection and personal use. 2016 Dodge Challenger SRT8 Hellcat Cool Ca rs 16877 ~ 2016 Cars .
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Senin, 13 November 2017
UPDATE UW Madison drops out of top five research universities for first time since 1972
Minggu, 12 November 2017
All American Classic Cars 1966 Dodge D100 Pickup Truck
All American Classic Cars: 1966 Dodge D100 Pickup Truck. This best photo collections about All American Classic Cars: 1966 Dodge D100 Pickup Truck is available to download. We collect this awesome photo from internet and choose the best for you. All American Classic Cars: 1966 Dodge D100 Pickup Truck photos and pictures collection that posted here was carefully selected and uploaded by Rockymage team after choosing the ones that are best among the others. So, finally we make it and here these list ofwonderful picture for your inspiration and informational purpose regarding the All American Classic Cars: 1966 Dodge D100 Pickup Truck as part of [blog] exclusive updates collection. So, take your time and find the best All American Classic Cars: 1966 Dodge D100 Pickup Truck images and pictures posted here that suitable with your needs and use it for your own collection and personal use. All American Classic Cars: 1966 Dodge D100 Pickup Truck.
All American Classic Cars: 1966 Dodge D100 Pickup Truck. So, if you want to get this amazing image about All American Classic Cars: 1966 Dodge D100 Pickup Truck, just click save button to save this images to your computer. Finally if you want to get new and the latest wallpaper related with All American Classic Cars: 1966 Dodge D100 Pickup Truck, please follow us on facebook or bookmark this site, we try our best to give you daily update with fresh and new wallpaper 2017. Hope you enjoy staying here.
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Sabtu, 11 November 2017
2016 Mazda Rx7 Specs Release date and Price
2016 Mazda RX7 Exterior
In addition to the engine, car or truck physique 2016 Mazda RX7 additionally possibly be other activities thatll be enhanced simply by Mazda. The brand new pattern use the 2016 Mazda RX7 Mazda brand new pattern words named Kodo pattern. Through the use of that brand-new pattern, the style on the outside of be modern-day as well as classy compared to the latest version. Outside part car or truck 2016 Mazda RX7 additionally utilizes advanced technological know-how named Skyactiv that makes it feel more safe to drive.
2016 Mazda RX7 Interior
As well as the exterior surfaces, the improvement acquired is additionally rumored to become the revolutionary 2016 Mazda RX7 are you aware that interior part in the car or truck with 2016 Mazda RX7. Vacation cabin pattern is usually anticipated undertake a superior pattern with a sporty look best. Some rumours additionally mentioned that it brand-new RX7 log cabin will be ripe along with a few brand-new sophisticated characterist ics to generate you really feel more at ease.
2016 Mazda RX7 engine
In terms of the particular engine on the 2016 Mazda RX7, the automobile can be likely to utilize rotary electric power while using capacity to create about 250 hp. Even though company offers really mentioned which the engine can be beneath operates by but, it really is feel to get the sole engine selection offered due to this car. This platform what is the best your vehicle can be likely to possibly be developed is the SkyActiv pla tform, which is known for the contribution to help decreasing the particular fat on the car.
2016 Mazda RX7 Release date and Price
2016 Mazda RX7 Release date hasnt been established, but based on a few rumours may launch yr fantastic brand-new RX7 2016. Up to now this really is merely rumored to become introduced to the principle car or truck. To the 2016 Mazda RX7 cost will be supplied an array of with regards to buck $ 30,000.
Kamis, 09 November 2017
2013 Volkswagen Golf VII
2013 vw golf vii |
VW just will not come out with it, such as the 2013 Volkswagen Golf VII really looks like. Deceive and disguise is the motto. The new generation will come on the market late 2012. When recently photographed prototype, there is a five-door, up to now, almost three-door only to see prototypes. Two tailpipes and a lowered body obviously point to a sportier version. You may already have a proven VW GTI version. Even so, the next Golf is slightly lower than the current Golf VI ancestors. At the same time he puts something in width. Visually, it is not yet recognize as much, VW still disguised with black front and rear, leather-like trim. The headlights seem to be slightly narrower, is still the broad Golf typical C-pillar.
Golf VII uses modular transverse matrix
However, VW wants to reduce the weight of his bestseller, which has - should have a positive impact on consumption - in addition to fine-tuning of the engines. On the volkswagen Golf VII is the modular transverse matrix (MBQ) applies. Several vehicles of the Volkswagen, Audi, Seat and Skoda share with transversely mounted engines are standard parts. That should make production faster, cheaper and more flexible and are reflected in the end to affordable and fuel-efficient models.
VII Golf and Audi A3 are twins technology
The new Audi A3 bears from August 2012 ahead Golf VII-art in themselves. Even with the engines, the technology-twins are probably similar. Under the hood are known engines like the 1.6 TDI and 2.0 TDI and the turbo petrol 1.2 TSI, 1.4 TSI and 2.0 TSI. The 1.4 TSI with 140 PS will feature a cylinder deactivation. It will be even later both a plug-in hybrid and electric versions. VW Golf VII will i ntroduce at the Paris Motor Show 2012 (27.09. To 14.10.).
Rabu, 08 November 2017
Football News Arjen Robben Will Not Retire From Dutch national team
Often the operating room because the injury did not make Arjen Robben thought of retiring from the international stage along with the Dutch national team . The former Chelsea and Real Madrid pla yer admitted never even crossed his mind to retire from the Dutch national team .
" The retirement of the national team ? Not at all. It never crossed my mind . Naturally, if you think so because of physical problems that often whack me but I have not thought about it . For me to defend the Dutch in the international arena is a pride " said 32-year -old player .
" I am now serving as a team leader and I still do not want to retire . Always be the pride of its own when you believed to be the captain of the National Team
Robben also said he was disappointed for failing to bring the Netherlands to qualify for France in Euro 2016 yesterday .
" Thats not an easy thing when you do not qualify and can only be watched on the screen. During the Euro I do not watch a game in the group phase , but I follow the development of my colleagues in Bayen Munchen. When I come back I watched a few games in the last autumn
Robben is known as one of the worlds best winger , but unfortunately he was too often hit by injuries . The latest , Robben suffered a thigh injury that required him to rest for 6 weeks . Thus Robben will miss the remainder of the preseason schedule Bayern Munich once missed the early weeks of the Bundesliga .
Source : Liga Olahraga
Selasa, 07 November 2017
2016 Porsche 911 Release Date
2016 Porsche 911 Release Date
2016 Porsche 911 |
2016 Porsche 911 Interior |